Glossary of Terms


BMI: Body Mass Index. Obtained by dividing the weight (kg) by the square of the height (cm) It is a measure of desired weight for each person depending on sex. A BMI chart is provided for all persons participating in the Weight Loss Program. There are also websites that provide this calculation.


Normal Weight: BMI 18 - 24


Overweight: BMI 25 - 29


Obese: BMI 30 - 39


Morbidly Obese: BMI 40 and above


Bariatry: The science or study of weight


Bariatric surgery: Weight loss surgery. Different procedures include:

  • Partial gastrectomy (partial removal of the stomach)
  • Lap band (inserting a band around the neck of the stomach to limit its size through a laparoscopic approach)

All these methods decrease the size of the stomach so that the patient is not able to eat so much. These procedures, like other surgeries, carry potential risks including death from anesthesia or peritoneal infection. It is recommended that the individual trying to lose weight by diet and exercise before considering these surgical methods. 


Step 1 Diet: Sensible Reduced Calorie Diet (1300 – 1800 calories) for individuals with BMI in Normal or Overweight range.


Step 2 Diet: Low-Calorie Diet (1000 – 1200 calories) for individuals with BMI in Overweight range


Step 3 Diet: Very Low-Calorie Diet  (700 – 900 calories) for individuals with BMI in Obese range


Step 4 Diet: Extreme Low-Calorie Diet  (300 - 600 calories) for individuals with BMI in Morbidly Obese range or those with medical co-morbidities


Serving size & cup for food: Amount of food served at 1 serving.  Varies with each food. Examples: 1 slice of bread, 3oz of meat. Not to be confused with drink serving size, a serving cup for food (8oz) is smaller than the serving size for drinks like soda or beer (12oz)


Serving size & cup for drinks: Amount of drink served at 1 serving. 12oz (360ml), for instance 1 cup of milk, or 12oz can of soda Note: 1oz=30ml & 16oz=1 pint (480-500ml)



Calorie: The amount of energy that can be obtained from each food. If the calories are not used by the body for metabolism, it is stored usually as fat. Thus we become fat when we take in more calories than we use.


Daily calorie Goal: Amount of calories eaten daily MINUS Calories burnt through metabolism and exercise that will not lead to energy storage and weight gain. This daily calorie goal is the amount required by the body for its METABOLIC NEEDS.




Charter Medical Center
8067 West Virginia Dr
Dallas, TX 75237
Phone: 972-441-7572
Fax: 972-230-5591

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