Welcome to the Charter Medical Center
When the Charter Medical Center was established in its present location in Dallas in March 2009 close to the campus of the busy Methodist Charlton Hospital, Dallas, there were two guiding objectives that informed its foundation. Firstly, it would steadfastly serve the population of this fast-growing area of south Dallas by creating access to patients of all ages of both sexes irespective of social class or ethnicity. Secondly, it would provide comprehensive health services across the range of commom health needs so that patients and their families would not go far for most of their health needs. Thus apart from the full-range Family Medicine services provided by Dr Oladele Olusanya with his incomparable experience and skills that have seen him work and practice on four continents all over the globe, there is an in-house pharmacy and medical laboratory in addition to a Wellness Center that focuses on a common-sense weight loss approach based on the holistic model. Patients would be seen, evaluated and treated as total persons not as 'cases' or 'diseases.'
Over the over ten years since the Charter Medical Center has opened its doors to the public, those founding principles have been followed. Dr Oladele Olusanya and his staff are experienced, skilled, muticutural and multi-lingual.